Stanford researchers found that DNA-embedded nanoparticles can survive the harsh environments of geothermal energy systems, allowing for better mapping of cleaner energy sources.

Stanford researchers found that DNA-embedded nanoparticles can survive the harsh environments of geothermal energy systems, allowing for better mapping of cleaner energy sources.
On the fifth anniversary of the partial meltdown at Japan’s Fukushima Daiichi Power Plant, Stanford’s Rodney Ewing says we should rethink our language, reassess natural disaster risks and appreciate the links between nuclear energy and renewables.
Recent research by Stanford Earth scientists uses new techniques to shed light on the contentious history of California’s iconic mountain range.
Brain scans reveal that negative emotional responses can powerfully drive decisions to protect environmental resources.
A new study by Matthew Winnick and Jeremy Caves suggests that today’s ice sheets may be more resilient to increased carbon dioxide levels than previously thought.